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Lose Weight with Super Foods You Need to Read This

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Have you tried all the famous diets, you know, the ones that didn’t work? Do you know that there are Super Foods to help you lose weight? Super foods work to regulate your metabolism, suppress your hunger during the day, and boost your energy. That’s how you lose weight. Besides weight loss, super foods have a bonus side effect. They provide exceptional nutritional benefits to improve your health.

Lose Weight with Super Foods

Your personal transformation starts the minute you start eating Super Foods. You will lose weight. Losers are winners. Within a few days, you will experience improved health. As Super Foods melt off the pounds, they nourish and support a healthier body. When you lose weight with Super Foods, your diet should provide all the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients you need to stay healthy. This is a food plan you can live with today and for years to come. A Super Foods diet has lots of variety, so you won’t get bored as you lose weight.

To lose weight with the Super Food diet, the basic rules are fundamental. Eat plenty of whole grains, beans and fresh fruits and vegetables. Add to your diet small portions of lean fish and meat. Round off your diet plan with lots of water. Cut out sugars, unhealthy fats and alcohol. Avoid processed foods.

Researchers have been studying the health benefits of foods. They have discovered astonishing nutritional rewards that come with eating apples, broccoli, blueberries, pears, low-fat yogurt and many other fruits and vegetables. These are the Super Foods, the foods that help you lose weight. You’ve probably guessed that scientists have not found any health benefits from eating sugar, fried food and refined carbohydrates.

Your best bet to lose weight and keep it off is to cut 300 to 500 calories off your daily diet. Along with the Super Food diet, you should exercise regularly. Expect to lose one or two pounds a week on a good, long-term diet. Of course, you should talk with your doctor before you start a diet to lose weight if you have health problems or if you hope to lose more than 20 pounds.

Lose Weight with Complex Carbs

Complex carbs like oats, oatmeal, beans and whole grains are a dieter’s delight. They are delicious, easy to cook and inexpensive. They can be eaten by themselves, or added to soups, salads and other recipes. They are called complex carbohydrates because they digest slowly and do not cause a spike in your blood sugar. They keep you feeling full, unlike sugar and other simple carbohydrates. Another benefit of these complex carbohydrates is that they improve your mood by stimulating the production of serotonin, the brain chemical that makes you feel good. They are super source of fiber, and are full of good nutrition.

Fiber is a Super Food to Lose Weight

Another way to boost your weight loss is to increase your fiber. Fiber plays an important role in weight loss. This decreases the digestibility of protein and fat, so you absorb fewer calories from them. Fiber absorbs water and swells like a sponge. It slows the movement of food through your digestive tract, so that you feel full for hours. Whole grains contain lots of fiber. Oats, buckwheat, brown rice, plain popcorn, wheat, millet, corn and barley give you a variety of whole grains to choose from. Serve barley like a side dish, or substitute barley for rice in any recipe. An easy, inexpensive, fast food is canned beans. Canned black beans, red beans, garbanzo and white beans, warmed up and seasoned with salsa, spices or vinegar are an easy solution when you need a quick meal.

Reduce Unhealthy Fats and Sugar to Lose Weight

The Super Foods diet involves cutting your intake of fats to lose weight. Make good substitutes to reduce the fat in your food. Choose leaner protein foods. Use ground turkey instead of ground beef. Plan for fish more often in your meals. Decide to eat in rather than eat out. Avoid carry-out foods like burgers, sandwiches and pizza which are all high in fat.

As you replace unhealthy fats with Super Foods, you will want to add high-flavor foods that fit into your weight loss plan. To add flavor to the Super Foods without adding fats, you can use salsa, marinara sauce and sun-dried tomatoes. Marinara sauce and salsa are good substitutes for cheese sauce, cream sauce, sour cream and butter. Depending on your recipe, marinara save you 10 fat grams compared to a bottled cheese sauce. Use salsa as a replacement for high-fat gravies and sauces on chicken and meat. It is also delicious on a baked potato instead of toppings like butter and sour cream. Try tomato-based marinara sauce, instead of Alfredo sauce on your Italian foods. And if you perk up dishes with the incredible taste tomatoes, you’ll also get the cancer-fighting nutrient lycopene.

Sugar is an addictive refined carbohydrate. The less sugar you eat, the less you crave it. When you want a sugar fix, try a baked sweet potato or baked winter squash with cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger.

Lose Weight and Love Your Veggies

Make vegetables your favorite food group. Learn to love veggies. These are Super Foods. Try new varieties and season them with lemon juice, tomato juice, low-fat cottage cheese, vinegar, balsamic vinegar, salsa, a dab of olive oil or salad oil, chives, garlic powder, onion powder, hot sauce, paprika or chopped herbs. You can also experiment with sesame seeds, chopped ginger, and mint added to any vegetable dish. Veggies are the low-calorie food to help you lose weight.

To encourage good eating habits while you lose weight, have fruits and vegetables washed and ready on the counter when you are at home. If you want, you can dip fruit or vegetables in a low-fat cottage cheese dip or in peanut butter. If unhealthy foods aren’t within reach and ready to eat, you won’t eat them.

Herbs are your friends when you want to lose weight. Did you know that just two tablespoons of fresh parsley provides a whole day’s worth of vitamin C? You get similar benefits from the other herbs in your grocery store, chives, rosemary, sage, oregano, basil and coriander. Herbs are another Super Food. Explore the herbs and seasonings for new favorites.

Good Habits to Lose Weight

Small changes lead to big results when you want to lose weight! Surfer Sam has more help to lose weight with your best diet plan.

Replace your bad habits about eating and food with better habits. Don’t eat on the run. Set aside time for a pleasant, enjoyable meal three times a day, plus healthy snacks. Begin dinner with a salad or raw vegetable to satisfy your hunger. Salad greens and veggies are low-calorie foods that make you feel full.

Plan your meals and snacks ahead of time. Tell yourself that the next time you are hungry, you’ll reach for an apple, some nuts or celery and peanut butter, instead of sugared snacks. Drinking plenty of water makes you feel full, too. Water helps your body burn calories faster. Substitute water for cola, sweetened juices and alcoholic beverages.

Science has found that you overeat if you don’t get enough sleep. When you are tired, you feel hungry and crave food for more energy. A good night’s sleep will reduce your desire to overeat and help you lose weight.

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